The universe is a great masterpiece in the mystery within existence.
Moving forward with life

About the mystery within existence

Here is a snapshot of pictures from 2024 with an overlay effect:

Invinidi – – Invinidi

Embracing the Journey: The Universe’s Intriguing Path

The mystery within existence has grown to fascinate me with how the universe chooses to take this route. I guess it’s as the saying goes, “No stone left unturned.” Moreover, people like to revisit finding out things. It brings about the sense of accomplishment. A yearning we all crave. If you have ever wondered anything about a particular topic and have had questions in relation to the simple fact that venturing into the unknown is an adventure. That it stimulates something deep within your soul that is comforting. Then remember that you are not alone.

The Adventure of the Unknown: Stimulating the Depths of Your Soul

You have come to the right place with the mystery within existence. We venture out into the unknown and pluck what hasn’t been known, to be known with revelation. All you have to do is read and become amazed at how your creative mind becomes active and, in cases, “Proactive!” It strengthens your inhibition. Just like exercise can create a healthy fit body, it has its benefits for mental exercise as well. Your soul will love it. And it will thank you too. Self-discovery is the key to advancing yourself into the future of growth. Unlock your full potential.

Unveiling the Essence: Introduction to Our Profound Message

This page is an introduction to what this site is trying to convey. It’s good to note that you have to envision what the mystery is to be left out as well as receiving the answer. Leaving in a bit of mystery is what will drive us back to a model from which we were at to witness a paradigm shift towards. Just like the gears in a transmission, going back to it’s previous state.

I leave you with this, in as much as we search for answers in exploration, it is the answer that drives us to keep going no matter what we are facing because, it’s in the vast expanse of the universe that we exist. Consciousness exists in various ways. It’s in us, all around us, and beyond. The mystery urges us to keep searching existence for a way to comprehend it. The great maker of all things past, present, and future.

George Valdez Growing Up

Center of Texas Charms: Unveiling the Enigma of Brady, Texas

The owner of this website is from a small town in Texas Known as the Heart of Texas. The county of McCulloch. It carries the title as the geographic center of Texas in the case of putting Texas in a box and classifying the center point of said box. The town is Brady. Back then, Brady was a small quiet town. Now it has grown to keep up with today’s world standards. All in all, if you were born in Brady, Texas, you carry the truth of the mystery surrounding it.

Cultivating a Strong Foundation: George’s GVWJS-GEORGES-GVWJS Journey in a Changing World

Growing up, George lived the same normal life every person lived. Families stuck together and the values expressed were strong as ever. Culture played a huge role in everyday living. People were kind to each other. Friendships were real and solid. Today’s technology has made a dent in that. It seems that people are more interested in becoming famous for the sake of attention instead of making an impact in people’s lives. But enough of that, let’s move on back to George.

From Setbacks to Success: George’s Journey of Perseverance

So, school was as important to George as any parents’ dream is to have their child make it through graduating high school. But it wasn’t going as planned for George. As he got closer to being a Senior. He only made it as far as being a Junior before he dropped out of school for personal reasons. He eventually got his GED, in which he was proud enough to achieve the intelligent sense to be that closely equivalent to graduating high school. His message to everyone is to “never give up on your dreams”. They are precious in every way. SO DON’T GIVE UP!

Rising from the Shadows: George’s Quest for Knowledge and Redemption

Life began to take a toll on George as the years started stacking up on him. Working and raising a family proved to be a task he was not fully prepared for. He struggled through the years trying to put life together as he understood it. Eventually venturing out into the darker side of life, disregarding the serious implications involved by doing it. But he kept going, correcting his mistakes by the grace of God. He became interested in gaining knowledge. Learning new things to prevail life’s adversities.

The Road To Invinidi

Embracing the Program: George’s Transformation into an Active Participant

Somewhere along the way (the mystery within existence), George became more interested in programs. But he began understanding programs for what it was in the beginning, basic knowledge. Along the way, he grew in perception of the deeper meaning of programs. They are like principles, they never change. It was a matter of knowing which programs worked for him and which ones did not. He accepted the fact that, if he was ever going to be a productive member of society, he had to get with the program. And he did. And just like that, he transformed into a being who wanted to be counted in.

The Quest for Web Success: George’s Journey into the Digital Frontier

Right after the year 2000, George showed an interest in computers and the internet. By the year 2007, he pursued the dream of having a successful website. He claimed the web domain (it’s Valdez spelled backwards in case you didn’t notice) and tried different programs he came across. He had several ideas for a website theme. But he couldn’t understand the code syntax on a grander scale for what it meant. He eventually moved on in life and that was the end of it. No more website, no more successful website. Sad but true.

A Passion Rekindled: George’s Resurgence in Web Programming and Design

So, as the years went by, George began to seriously consider settling down on doing something specific. Something that he loved to do. They say, if you’re going to have a job, do something you love to do. So, he did just that. He appreciated what he did before with websites and in 2013, he dove back into learning web programming, development, and design. He spent hours learning how to code in the languages of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

From Challenges to Solutions: George’s Journey to WordPress Proficiency

Eventually, George somewhat proficient in the lingo of coding. He wanted to code his own program. but the task proved to be more daunting than he initially thought. It wasn’t until he diverted his attention in 2014 towards open-source scripts and he ended up settling with the world-famous WordPress content management system. The very program that this website is operating on. But still, Invinidi has not come out yet.

Domain Dreams: George’s Pursuit of Web Success Amidst Life’s Challenges

While George was deep into learning, he invested in a lot of web domain name ideas. Some of his domain names included Valdez Art, Ozark Posters, Top Tin, Breath of Life, Heartsy Art, and several others. And again, life began to take hold and he eventually lost everything but the desire to have a fully functioning website business that was successful still remained.

Unleashing the Mystery: George’s Journey into Content Marketing with

The year is 2022, and by this time, George had the best idea for a website that held a promising tune that is basic yet intuitive. Content marketing! Stories representing the mystery within existence. It was a good theme idea to move forward on. And so it began. In April of 2022, He invested in the domain name He took it to social media with good positive feedback and in November of 2022, he invested in domain hosting through a reputable hosting service.

Unveiling the Future:’s Journey to Becoming a Premier Online Destination

Today, you are seeing the result of several years of experience and hard work that has brough this website to what it is now. And it is only going to get better because for the first time in history, George is growing his presence on the world wide web with the mystery within existence. He’s reaching individuals who share an interest in existence. People who want to advance their full potential to be their own success. Invinidi is here to stay, and with your help, we are going to make it one of the best websites out there. Join us and spread the word so we can grow our audience. Thank you for reading.


Welcome to Invinidi – the nexus where the enigmatic depths of existence intertwine with the creative essence of the human spirit. As the name suggests, Invinidi delves into “The mystery within existence,” offering a multifaceted platform that transcends conventional boundaries to explore life’s intricacies and marvels.

Embark on a journey of introspection and enlightenment through our captivating blog, where we delve into profound reflections on life, share insightful perspectives, and curate intriguing content from across the vast expanse of the internet. With a relentless thirst for knowledge and a passion for discovery, we navigate the digital realm, uncovering hidden gems and engaging with thought-provoking material that sparks curiosity and inspires growth.

At the heart of Invinidi lies our Stories section, a tapestry woven with threads of imagination and emotion, spanning genres ranging from heart-pounding Action and Adventure to mind-bending Fantasy and Sci-Fi, from spine-tingling Thrillers to heartwarming Love and Romance. Dive into worlds of mystery, suspense, and drama, where every tale is a testament to the boundless creativity of the human mind.

But our exploration doesn’t stop there. Invinidi is a sanctuary for seekers of the spiritual and the supernatural, offering insights into the mystical realms of Cartomancy, Tarot, Psychic phenomena, Mediumship, and the soothing whispers of ASMR. Delve into the depths of the soul, unraveling the mysteries of existence and connecting with the unseen forces that shape our reality.

In the realm of artistic expression, Invinidi celebrates the power of words with our Poetry Rap Poems, where lyrical prowess meets raw emotion to create a symphony of verse. Explore the rhythmic cadence of poetry and the lyrical flow of rap, as we delve into the depths of human emotion and experience.

But that’s not all. Invinidi is a melting pot of creativity and culture, where the universal language of music unites us all. From in-depth discussions on musical trends and genres to spotlighting emerging artists and exploring the symbiotic relationship between music and the human experience, our Music section is a testament to the transformative power of sound.

And finally, as stewards of innovation and entrepreneurship, Invinidi shines a spotlight on other businesses, amplifying their voices and celebrating their contributions to the global community. From groundbreaking startups to established enterprises, we showcase the diverse tapestry of human endeavor and ingenuity.


Welcome to Invinidi – where the mysteries of existence unfold, and the journey of discovery knows no bounds. Join us as we navigate the labyrinth of life, exploring the depths of human experience and uncovering the hidden wonders that lie within.

As we gaze into the future of Invinidi, we envision a journey of evolution and innovation that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Invinidi is not merely a destination; it is a beacon of possibility, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology to shape the future of human experience.

In the digital millennia, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, Invinidi stands at the forefront of innovation, embracing emerging trends and pioneering new frontiers in e-commerce and digital content creation. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and blockchain technology, we are poised to revolutionize the way people interact with our platform and experience our products.

Imagine a future where shopping on Invinidi is not just a transaction, but a personalized and immersive journey tailored to each individual’s unique preferences and interests. Through the integration of AI-driven recommendation engines and predictive analytics, we anticipate our customers’ needs before they even arise, curating a bespoke shopping experience that delights and inspires.

But our vision extends beyond the confines of traditional e-commerce. Invinidi is also a trailblazer in the realm of experiential retail, leveraging augmented reality and virtual reality technologies to create immersive shopping environments that blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Step into our virtual showroom and explore our products in stunning detail, from the comfort of your own home. Try on virtual clothing, test out virtual reality headsets, or immerse yourself in interactive storytelling experiences that transport you to far-off lands and distant galaxies.

As we look to the future, we see Invinidi as more than just a storefront; it is a community, a platform for connection and collaboration, where creators and consumers come together to share ideas, exchange knowledge, and co-create the future. Through the integration of blockchain technology, we empower artists, authors, musicians, and entrepreneurs to tokenize their creations, enabling them to retain ownership and control over their intellectual property while fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

But perhaps most importantly, Invinidi is a catalyst for kinetic energy supporting positive change in the world. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, we remain steadfast in our commitment to sustainability, ethical sourcing, and social responsibility. From eco-friendly packaging to fair-trade practices, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint and maximize our positive impact on the communities we serve.

Invinidi is not just a store; it is a vision for the future—a future where technology empowers us to explore the mysteries of existence, connect with one another on a deeper level, and unleash the boundless potential of human creativity. Join us on this journey of discovery, as we chart a course towards a brighter tomorrow, together.

Embark on an epic journey of exploration and discovery with us as we traverse the globe, one destination at a time. Our dream is to immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of cultures, cuisines, and communities that make our world so vibrant and diverse. Through the power of blogging, vlogging, and podcasting, we invite you to join us on this extraordinary adventure, where every moment is a chance to connect, learn, and grow.

Picture this: From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the sun-kissed shores of Rio de Janeiro, we set out to uncover the hidden gems and untold stories that lie beyond the tourist traps and guidebook recommendations. Armed with nothing but our curiosity and a thirst for adventure, we dive headfirst into the heart of each destination, immersing ourselves in the local culture, sampling exotic cuisines, and forging meaningful connections with fellow travelers and locals alike.

But our journey doesn’t end there. With each new experience, we document our adventures through a variety of multimedia platforms, sharing our stories, insights, and recommendations with the world. Through our blogs, we offer in-depth reflections on our travels, sharing practical tips, cultural observations, and personal anecdotes that resonate with readers from all walks of life.

In our vlogs, we bring our adventures to life through the magic of video, capturing the sights, sounds, and sensations of each destination in stunning detail. From epic drone shots of towering skylines to intimate conversations with local artisans and entrepreneurs, our vlogs transport viewers to the heart of the action, inviting them to experience the world through our eyes.

And in our podcasts, we dive even deeper into the stories behind the scenes, offering behind-the-scenes insights, in-depth interviews, and thought-provoking discussions on topics ranging from travel tips and tricks to cultural etiquette and global issues. Whether you’re planning your own adventure or simply looking for inspiration from afar, our podcasts provide a wealth of information and entertainment for listeners around the world.

But what truly sets our journey apart is our commitment to authenticity, diversity, and inclusivity. As we traverse the globe, we seek out experiences that celebrate the unique voices and perspectives of every community we encounter. From attending local festivals and events to collaborating with grassroots organizations and social enterprises, we strive to uplift and empower marginalized voices and promote positive change wherever we go.

So join us on this epic journey of discovery, as we explore the world and all it has to offer. Together, let’s make every moment count, and every adventure worth talking about.

As we continue our epic journey of exploration and discovery, we push the boundaries of traditional travel blogging, vlogging, and podcasting to new heights, redefining what it means to experience the world in all its glory. Our mission is not just to see the sights and check off bucket list destinations, but to immerse ourselves fully in the rich tapestry of global culture, forging meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impact wherever we go.

With our insatiable thirst for adventure and our unwavering commitment to authenticity, we embark on daring escapades that take us off the beaten path and into the unknown. From trekking through dense rainforests in search of hidden waterfalls to navigating the labyrinthine alleyways of ancient cities, we fearlessly embrace the challenges and rewards of travel, pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and uncovering the true essence of each destination.

But our journey is not just about the places we visit; it’s about the people we meet along the way. From indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest to urban nomads in bustling metropolises, we seek out authentic connections with individuals from all walks of life, learning from their wisdom, sharing in their joy, and standing in solidarity with their struggles. Through our interactions, we strive to bridge cultural divides and foster a sense of global unity and understanding.

In our quest to capture the essence of our experiences, we harness the latest technologies and storytelling techniques to create immersive and captivating content that transports our audience to the heart of the action. From stunning 360-degree virtual reality tours of iconic landmarks to cinematic drone footage that captures the awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world, our visuals are as breathtaking as the destinations themselves.

But it’s not just about the visuals; it’s about the stories we tell and the emotions we evoke. Through our evocative prose, dynamic videography, and engaging interviews, we paint a vivid and multifaceted portrait of each destination, inviting our audience to see, hear, and feel the world in a whole new way. Whether we’re recounting the exhilaration of summiting a towering peak or the serenity of watching a sunset over the ocean, our storytelling transcends language and cultural barriers, touching hearts and inspiring minds around the globe.

And as we journey onward, we remain steadfast in our commitment to social and environmental responsibility, advocating for sustainable travel practices and supporting local communities in their efforts to preserve their cultural heritage and natural resources. Through our actions and our words, we strive to leave the world a better place than we found it, one adventure at a time.

So join us on this extraordinary odyssey of discovery and transformation, as we push the boundaries of what’s possible and inspire others to do the same. Together, let’s embark on a journey that transcends borders, defies expectations, and redefines the very essence of travel itself.

Amidst the excitement and adventure of our journey, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges and responsibilities that come with our privileged position as travelers and content creators. While our experiences may be filled with wonder and awe, we cannot ignore the harsh realities and inequalities that exist in the world around us.

As we explore new lands and cultures, we must be mindful of the impact our presence may have on local communities and ecosystems. Tourism, while a powerful force for economic growth and cultural exchange, can also lead to environmental degradation, cultural commodification, and the displacement of indigenous peoples. It’s crucial that we approach our travels with humility, respect, and a willingness to listen and learn from those whose lives are directly impacted by our presence.

Furthermore, as influencers and content creators, we have a responsibility to use our platform for good, amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, advocating for social justice, and shining a light on pressing global issues. From climate change and human rights abuses to economic inequality and systemic injustice, there are countless issues that demand our attention and action. By leveraging our reach and influence, we can raise awareness, mobilize support, and drive meaningful change on a global scale.

But our commitment to making a positive impact doesn’t end there. We also recognize the importance of supporting other individuals and businesses, both within the travel industry and beyond. Whether it’s collaborating with local artisans and entrepreneurs, promoting sustainable tourism initiatives, or donating a portion of our proceeds to charitable causes, we believe in the power of community and collaboration to create a better world for all.

In our quest to explore the world and share our experiences with others, let us never lose sight of the values that define us as individuals and as a community. Let us be mindful of the impact of our actions and strive to leave a positive legacy that extends far beyond our own travels. Together, let us work towards a future where every journey is a force for good, and every adventure is an opportunity to make a difference in the world.

~GEORGE- ⭐✨ ⭐✨✨✨⭐✨⭐⭐ u.