
The orb

I look deep within myself as I stare into the orb of glowing energy. A photo fluorescent shine of rainbow colors emanates from deep within the orb. What amazes me is that the light is not just bound by the orb. If I think about it, visualizing the energy force emanating through the glass. It does just that. It has a response, as if it has its own conscience. The first ever quantum energy entangled conscience still going strong a month …

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The story of the no egg laying chicken

Stories from a wide range of genres ready to take you on a journey through time.

What makes a chicken the chicken that it is? Have you ever wondered why the hen has its unique physical appearance? How many years of evolution did it take for the chicken of modern day to develop? I’m sure that these questions have pondered many people throughout history, even Colonel Sanders. Here is a story about a chicken who has never laid an egg. There was once a chicken that never laid an egg. It would go about every day clucking …

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Love Forget-Me-Not: A Journey of Anniversaries and Surprises

A dinner for two individuals love for each other in a tale of forgetfulness

When Love Forgets: An Anniversary Surprise Love’s forgetful instances of anniversary events is a journey that brings surprises. “It just couldn’t be. No way can this be happening to me.” A great rush of disappointment fell across Omni’s face. It’s his one-year anniversary with the girl of his dreams. Amanda is her name and she has it going on. “But how could I have forget our anniversary,” he said to himself? He had banked at just knowing when the day was. …

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Lovers Lane

Lovers Lane: Embracing Romance and Serenity amidst Majestic Mountains and a Mesmerizing Sunset. Two souls united in enchantment, harmonious bond, basking in the warm glow of love's eternal embrace.

The soothing sound of the calm breeze could be felt all through Lovers Lane Park deep within the mountains. Omni and his girlfriend Mya sat, watching the sunset on the tailgate of his truck. It was mid-spring and the air still smelled fresh and exhilarating as it did that morning. Moreover, the birds were singing lightly in harmony. The creatures of the earth were present and there was no stopping the enchantment. Romance was present. Nostalgic Reflections: Love’s Timeless Journey Unfolds …

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The mystery within existence

The mystery within existence is a tangible thing many strive to know. From the depths of the earth to the vast open space of the universe, we go after a new higher form of being one with the supreme being.

Existence is a complex and multifaceted concept that has fascinated philosophers, theologians, and ordinary people alike for centuries. Its hidden existence reaches down within us with awe. At its core, existence is about the fundamental nature of reality. And what it means for something to be real or tangible. One aspect of existence that has long puzzled humans is the mystery of how the universe came into being. While scientists have made great strides in understanding the origins of the universe, …

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My flight

My flight to another country has proven to challenge everything within me that I know isn't safe.

Today is the day and I’m already nervous about my flight. It’s my first time to be on an airplane. And to add a touch of suspense, it’s overseas. Can it get any more intense? I mean, we could be heading into a storm. We could be crashing into the deep blue depths of the ocean for Christ’s sakes. Am I safe? So many nerve-racking thoughts of what ifs ran through my mind. Oh god, what did I get myself into? …

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Game face

The energy was felt across the table as we locked eyes with each other. My game face was top notch. The thrill of the moment could be the best feeling I’ve ever had. I wondered, thinking what were they thinking? My opponents, that is. Did they happen to have a winner outranking my set of cards or something that could beat their hand. Their bluff proved to be convincing. I had a decent hand, but I wasn’t even going to let …

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A luxurious treat

It is a luxurious treat to have the finer things in life. It's a luxury that will have you feeling like a king, or queen. Royalty at its finest. The key is to go after the creator and owner of all that exists to achieve greatness.

“Wow!” I finally got it in the mail. I bet you are wondering what it is that I got? It’s a luxurious treat. I spent over three-thousand dollars on a keyboard. Basically, it has a built-in synthesizer. Nothing screams crisp quality sound like a high-end piece of equipment. I feel like I am destined for greatness. Royalty at its finest. Moreover, the main reason I bought it was to record special effects. Sounds to implement in my video production. I wanted …

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A believer

Being a believer will change your whole outlook on life. A deepening relationship with God is an iron clad interaction with all that exists.

Her love for her king grew the more she read. Omnia had never read a story of a man who gave his life for our sins. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she envisioned what it must have been like to go through all that torture. It was just too much pain to bear. She put the Bible down several times to recuperate herself. “What was going on with the people who allowed this to happen,” she wondered? So, she was …

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