
The arts and crafts industry is one of the largest most therapeutic sector in the world today. Everyone on this planet has the potential to become the next Picasso. Exotic taste has been a key factor in an individual’s choice for exquisite personification.

As the owner of this website, one of my goals is to talk about my experience towards becoming the artist I am today. And even though I have used many different styles of creating my pieces, I mainly was attracted towards being a graphite pencil artist.

As a result, I have created this special area in existence to share my repertoire of tools that can help you become a good artist. Keep in mind that your creative masterpieces are direct result of your own result. The key to becoming a better artist is to never give up and definitely do not give up trying it different ways.

It takes knowledge, skills, desire to form a habit. And it takes a proactive mindset to achieve and attain the result(s) you are looking for. Time is a key component. Just like it took time for you to read this and comprehend what it means, it takes time to master your habit(s).

I don’t have much of my artwork that I have done throughout the years, and I have done a lot of art pieces. But at least when the opportunity came, I was able to catch a digital photo manifest as a way to remind myself that I am a good artist. Not to mention to show it off to others. I do not pride myself in what I know what to do or what I’ve done, I pride myself with what has gifted me with the ability to do what I do. Reaping the rewards of life offers a sense of comfort that is far more valuable.

please give me time to be able to express to you as someone who is interested in learning how to draw with pencils. I’m trying to get this website up and running as time permits, but at least it’s going somewhere.

In the meantime, check out these videos and photos of what I have done and hold on to the opportunity to come back and check up on the progression of this area of this very website.

Please be aware that the Social Links in the videos are no longer at the moment in active duty. I lost my Facebook pages as well as the website. The good thing is that cold storage promotes the idea for creativity. You never know what the future holds.

Visit my Facebook album to view over 51 of my hand drawn graphite drawings…

This piece of Johnny Cash took me about 40 hours to complete on a 8×10 illustration board.

A picture is worth a thousand words. The appreciation of art is something that has to be derived from many iterations of living life. It is the result(s) of many snippets of information that can be constructed to produce an effect. We become enveloped to the point of respecting ourselves. Read the section about pixels on the licensing page I have constructed, here is the link.

In highschool , my principal Mr. Cooper had a huge prop of John Wayne in his office.