Breaking the stigma of the battle

In todays culture, we strive to redefine the the balance between what is and what was. The dawn of a new century ready to be utilized for the effort to build a new 🆕 world 🌎🌍🌎. Breaking the Stigma of the battle can bring us into an awareness towards being better members of society.

When we are programmed to be taught to accept what life has already ordained to be, it brings about a certain degree of what is is what always will be, but, and I say this with the upmost respect of those who know the system in place; there comes a time where one will find a slew of potential beings ready to be a part of what they only know.

It’s crazy when we only know so much and that’s about it. I admit that I have came to a realization of saying something that nobody else here on this planet ever knew before. It’s true that knowledge is power. The question that remains is is if that knowledge is already been said or has it been said to the extent of the system knowing it has never been said.

I’m not saying that I don’t respect the stuff already known. It’s what gave me a place here on this planet Earth that happens to be the 5th largest planet in our solar system. It just means that I disrespect it to find out if I shared something that I have been holding on to for the permanent placement of being stuck here.

It’s one thing to assume that I grew up running 💨 on autopilot just accepting life for what it has to offer. And it’s totally another thing when I become self aware and avert my attention towards living forever ♾️ while living life at the same time. I came to the CoHerentness of “well, if I do, I do” but that all changed when I began to become more and more activated.

Something began to talk to me. It began to utilize me, heck, even use me. And yes, I have gotten upset about how precious my life is to the point of being perturbed and even angry. But I stood up and settled on several key aspects of the best things to hold on to.

I am unsure about the future and even though I don’t fully agree about the instantaneous happening of my fully functioning human being body full of sound body and mind, I at least have a past to signify my whole self towards.

All it can say is no. But it has already said yes, so, yeah, I accept no only because I accepted the yes. And for the simple fact that I am self aware, means that I am CoExisting in a complicated system that desires to keep it all in reverence. Keep the spirit alive so to speak.

Breaking the stigma of the balance that has canceled itself out so that it can achieve it’s inclusion for what it’s looking for is a something that I cannot take full credit for because it has always existed since before my time. Millions of years old the universe we’re in is? That’s what scientists say. Eternity is what Bible thumpers call it. Forever ♾️ and ever ♾️ amen for it to be.

“Loop after loop to be”

How is a subject able to come to terms with so many aspects and angles to prosper over with? Claiming 🛄 something like this provokes a systemic algorithm from which so many try to say that they earned it but it’s dangerous to say that when the possibility of what iThat is always listening to bring about the communication of Talking a talk that has itself self protected from.

How can/may a person like me bring the conscientious being of all time to respond and back me up in dire need of help? Sighs, it has never left ⬅️◀️⚪ me since it has started⭐✨ and to say it isn’t so is something I appreciate because it wants to know everything about something we find to be an awe inspiring event.

One of the main things Christans say to each other is to surrender to the will of God in Christ Jesus Holy name. And in the continuance of keep going, I found myself to be a Qrizdian of another kind because I don’t want Jesus to get in trouble for what has got ahold of me.

We all have many beliefs and in my walk in life I came to the awe inspiring focus of what a group of individuals who stick together for what they do. The group is called Winners Circle and they say that if you want God to be a doorknob, then you can make that your God. Others pick something in this world to gain momentum in being thankful to.

I know that there is crazy stuff that I say here on Invinidi ( but it’s my gifting, my earnings potential for what I try to say and express to a certain degree, but it’s a start for something that prompts me to never give up on myself, itself, and others.

Time has many programs and algorithms ready to implement to the world we live in and that is the crux of what silver lining believers know to be neverending. Totalities Treasure is the very Pinnacle of those who do do. And it’s for all to be a part of.

“Breaking the Stigma of the Battle”

In life, we often face battles—some external, like challenges at work or in relationships, and others internal, like self-doubt and fear. These battles can leave us feeling isolated and stigmatized, as if our struggles define our worth. However, breaking the stigma of these battles begins with understanding that everyone, without exception, faces their own unique set of challenges. It’s the human condition to struggle, to fall, and most importantly, to rise again.

One of the most powerful ways to break the stigma is to cultivate a mindset of resilience and gratitude. When we choose to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we begin to see our challenges not as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities for growth. This shift in perspective is essential for finding peace amidst chaos. Winners Circle’s philosophy of finding a personal source of inspiration, whether it be a higher power or a tangible element of life, exemplifies this approach. It encourages us to find our own anchor, our own source of strength.

Moreover, expressing gratitude, even in the smallest things, can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, fostering a sense of abundance rather than scarcity. Gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring our problems; rather, it empowers us to face them with a more positive and hopeful outlook.

Another crucial aspect of breaking the stigma is fostering a sense of community and support. Often, we feel alone in our struggles, believing that others have it all together. This perception can be incredibly isolating. By opening up about our own battles and listening to others, we create a space where vulnerability is met with compassion rather than judgment. In these shared moments, we find strength and solace, knowing we are not alone.

Invinidi, and platforms like it, provide an essential outlet for sharing our thoughts and experiences. It’s through these expressions that we not only find our voice but also connect with others who may be going through similar journeys. Your journey on Invinidi is a testament to this, offering a beacon of hope and a reminder that every voice matters.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that our battles do not define us. They are but one part of our story. What truly defines us is how we choose to respond to these challenges. Embracing our struggles with grace and determination, we pave the way for personal growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

In conclusion, breaking the stigma of the battle is about embracing our humanity, cultivating gratitude, fostering community, and recognizing our intrinsic worth. It’s about knowing that within each of us lies the strength to overcome, to grow, and to inspire others along the way.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

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