
Growing up, I tend to find that the world I love in is in turmoil. Why is it that when the rooster crows, another one bites the dust? So many individuals are taken off the radar just to see what they will do and when they do, they’re doing it again.

I remember when I was a teenager in highschool. I had a lot of friends, well, for the most part; classmates. We would do a lot together. We had this radio show ran by a local DJ. Every Friday night, they would be playing Mexican music, and take a spin on the town getting the other locals to join in. A jubilee to remember.

We live in a fast pace life where the early worm 🐛 gets the bird. A trapper 🪤 keeper ready to get on moving. Why is it that when we have our mindset geared towards a certain kind of expectation, even though we know it doesn’t go as planned, we expect a leeway movement in and of itself; I assume it’s the thrill of the game 🎮 that gets us out of our comfort zones beyond the thresholds of a complicated system it rivals itself to become.

We need a reiterated double ⏫ take on what it’s difficult to avoid because we believe we are already built well from the ground up. And there is no need to even bother going through what we are able to work through either way. Or at least that’s how I believe it to be. But what if we at some point 👉 in our lives, we somehow derived a permanent stake being in.

I always believed to have been a good person. I thought about this while enjoying a slushy with lots on my mind. It’s daunting to have the answer all along when all that was needed to get through life is determination. A proactive response to the ism’s.

Isinism promotes a new way of thinking. It’s a proliferated response to increasing workload while we still have it available. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. So to be immersed in a bit of a pickle can get us catapulted up the wrong drain pipe. The question ❓❓❓ is is which drain pipe have you found yourself in.

The desire to be unique in and of your own understanding is an understatement not fully understood because there is still plenty of time to incorporate a sore of new happenings designed to be the alleviating function. To be or knot it up to hunker down 👇 for all times sake.

Being adamant about my intensions promotes a system of so many variations of swatchdreams deems a societal flow of rendering domino effects, it’s no wonder that we learn to fight back the urge to just know I am a good person to do many things in this world to be.

To have people in a state of self protection guarantees us good guys the benefit of CoHerentness CoExisting CoOperative ways not to be reckoned with. It’s what positive mental attitude is all about. Telling yourself that it’s going to be alright and accepting that you can do anything you put your mind to. Rising above it.

What more can I say about what I see without being talked about in a negative scrutinizing way?

Be the change you want to see in others

Provide support for what a person must do and be at

Be a productive member of society

Let others know that this life is worth living for

Don’t let go of your past

And lo and behold we find that part of our being that needs others present in nature. It doesn’t make sense to be alone all the time. It’s what catechisms are made for. Just getting in the mix. Making sure that the most critical point is pushed across the table. Make haste and reach for the stars ⭐✨ and provide enough answers others are more inclined to be aware of.

I’m not saying that it happens overnight but it’s worth holding onto. It’s changed a lot since the old wagon days but don’t we still have wagons? It seems that others are making way to get further into the future. It’s a common statement that children are the wave of the future. It’s not something to fear 😨 bringing little tantrums of despair into the world. There’s plenty of room for many.

“Trailing off into the abyss helps get things done”

Lo and behold, we arrive at a truth that the universe sets it’s course to implement strategy into the inevitable.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

What Der ferk

Clear Stage Set⁵¹⁵⁰ 📐 💎