What does it mean to be with 100 girls?

I remember hearing about a King who had 100 wives, no, wait, it’s 700 wives. His name was King 👑 Solomon. Whoah! How’d that happen? So I set myself out to do some research.

It’s very uncommon for an individual to be in a relationship with so many girls. It takes a lot of time and effort and many give up and settle with a smaller more manageable relationship with only one girl. But it didn’t end there with me.

I have lived a life worth appreciating what I have been given. Kinda like an “I’ll take what I can get” kinda mindset. And even though I placed focus on the main reason for being in a relationship with the girl I wish to be with, I still fell short of many key aspects around it.

I cannot say anything more about how a man can get 100 girls, but I can tell you about what it means to be with one girl. It takes serious commitment and good luck trying to convince her to add another one to the mix because she ain’t sharing. When it comes to how a man can get 100 together in total agreement… well, let’s just say that it is truly a blessing unheard of.

I cannot express to you how intense it is to even ask the forces that be to even consider or even respond with any kind of affirmation or guarantee on how this would work. It usually leaves the intimate deprived person in a state of depression or even worse, an attempt to ruin the deprivers very own relationship with the one he is in.

It’s no wonder that many try though. It’s like a carrot 🥕 on a stick attempt to tire the poor guy out. But it’s good to have a plan though. A plan that may or may not could work, but that’s a whole nother topic to discuss. For the most part, it’s just best to stick with the one you got, and if you’re lucky to talk her into having anything more than what you got, good luck.

It’s important to understand the hidden aspects of even attempting to do this. Ask yourself what kind of person you are and think it through. Does it even satisfy your perception of how others are going to view the happening? Are there any obstacles and if there are, should you even attempt it knowing that obstacles exist?

To tell you the truth, my knowing that I have attained 100 girls, pfft, 5,150 girls all to myself involves something that most people can only dream of. It’s the question that drives us further. How far are you Willing to go, you need to think about life’s tragedies. Consider what your family and friends are going to think about it. It’s just questions like these that I have talked about in this post that drives my whole being into a state of being in an emotional rollercoaster.

Being me as George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior Senior has raised a lot of attention on the subject and even though I advise you not to try to do this, I’m here to say that I will keep going with it because it promised me.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

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