
A luxurious treat

It is a luxurious treat to have the finer things in life. It's a luxury that will have you feeling like a king, or queen. Royalty at its finest. The key is to go after the creator and owner of all that exists to achieve greatness.

“Wow!” I finally got it in the mail. I bet you are wondering what it is that I got? It’s a luxurious treat. I spent over three-thousand dollars on a keyboard. Basically, it has a built-in synthesizer. Nothing screams crisp quality sound like a high-end piece of equipment. I feel like I am destined for greatness. Royalty at its finest. Moreover, the main reason I bought it was to record special effects. Sounds to implement in my video production. I wanted …

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A believer

Being a believer will change your whole outlook on life. A deepening relationship with God is an iron clad interaction with all that exists.

Her love for her king grew the more she read. Omnia had never read a story of a man who gave his life for our sins. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she envisioned what it must have been like to go through all that torture. It was just too much pain to bear. She put the Bible down several times to recuperate herself. “What was going on with the people who allowed this to happen,” she wondered? So, she was …

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Pyramids held the key to civilizations survival. Omnia proved to be a great asset.

It’s that time of the year again in the village. The villagers have been preparing for the annual harvest. It’s their way of providing thanks to Sol their sun god. Pyramids were erected to celebrate peace. Although, It wasn’t always that way It’s been three consecutive years since widespread drought and famine plagued across the land. So many lives were lost during the dark times for the villages. Everybody searched far and wide to find the solution. But time was not …

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Placing focus

Placing focus requires skill and knowledge. It's what we do that defines us.

The door opened and I could feel the warm sunrays on my face. It felt so good that I paused for a moment and smelled the fresh air of early spring scents. It’s amazing to experience the elements with degree. Placing focus on this, I took the time to experience amazement. This is how I pictured it being on the day I was released. Never to return back to prison. I had arrived at a pivotal moment in life where I …

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Quarrel quibble

A quarrel quibble will test what's best in us.

Have you ever encountered a problem where it stirred up a quarrel quibble between those involved? I’m sure that by the time we become adults, it will happen. We do run into some sort of commotion from family, friends, or some stranger. It’s how we react that defines our inner nature of who we are in character. The other day me and this guy were having a discussion arguing about religion and beliefs, and it got kind of heated. I called …

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Omnia is that one being who was a trapped animal. A dog in need. Our dear Omnia.

It seems that Omnia has taken a liking to her new home at the farm. We found her caught in a trap we had set for the wild hogs on our property. It was a case of mistaken identity. She had so much fur that had accumulated on her body that we mistakenly thought she was the mysterious legendary Chupacabra. So elusive the Chupacabra is that very few people have seen it. It was our son Omni who said, “I think …

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Sheltered adoption

Adopting a pet makes a world of difference in any case.

Sheltered adoption goes into some of the issues adoptive families go through when acquiring a dog. It’s already been five months since Omni became part of our family. We rescued Omni from the shelter where someone told us a little about his previous home. His last owners weren’t giving him the love and attention all dogs need. We think he suffered abuse because he had a problem with sudden movements. He would growl at people at first, but now that five …

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Wondrous achievement

It's an amazing feeling to witness a wondrous achievement.

My friend Omni is always trying to find new ways to make money, a wondrous achievement. He’s gone from one entrepreneurial project to another. Some of the things that he has done had developed in him persistent character to not give up. A sort of perseverance if you want to call it that. Regardless, he has a lot of knowledge on his belt and that is the trade secret successful business owners don’t want you to know. Knowledge is power. The …

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The king and queen face life.

The king and queen have a victory and achievement in passing the exams that has come upon them in life. It’s been known that to be able to make it through life, one must face trials and tribulations. It’s what you do during these times that makes the difference between success and failure. If it is done right, you will see such a glorious sight. Success in harmony with each other’s life plan has brought serious consideration for all. For the …

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Puzzle pieces

Putting the puzzle pieces in relationships takes skill to achieve something that works in connection with my self image.

What makes me think of her the way that I do? It feels like puzzle pieces being put together. What began as a simple gesture ready to be taken hold of has blossomed into a full blown real live visualiztix attraction. As the days roll by, what is going on in my mind tries to find itself. Searching, talking, weighing the pros and cons. Pulling out my trusty know how experience up to now. What do I want out of this …

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