Fantasy and Sci-Fi

The orb

I look deep within myself as I stare into the orb of glowing energy. A photo fluorescent shine of rainbow colors emanates from deep within the orb. What amazes me is that the light is not just bound by the orb. If I think about it, visualizing the energy force emanating through the glass. It does just that. It has a response, as if it has its own conscience. The first ever quantum energy entangled conscience still going strong a month …

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The first fairy

Tap into your little ball of energy Once upon a star, the first fairy was born. She had magical powers of great proportions. Also, she had the ability to turn things into fairies of various types. So, she continued through the universe. Spreading love and happiness wherever she went. Creation creating creation. Now, it wasn’t the type of fairy we know today. She was as tiny as a single atom to put it in perspective. A little ball of energy locked …

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The photon

The photon depicts a short story of Dr. Omni. His research into the photons energies has brought him to where he is at today.

The sound of a thousand attendees filled the auditorium. It was at this year’s science fair. Dr. Omni sat amongst the world’s most talented scientists. His research in photon physics has proved to be an eye-opener. He knew that his research into the realm of photon energies would advance humanity into the future of science. Ever since he was a child, Omni has always been fascinated with photon energy. His parents were always telling him how he would put things in …

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The isotope

The isotope proves to be a daunting task to purify it from negative side-effects.

Sixteen years into his research with the isotope, Dr. Omni never whined about letting it all go for the sake of his own wellbeing. He never thought that he had a problem, but other’s seen how delusive his actions have become. If it hadn’t been for the intervention from his family and fellow colleagues, he would still be adamant about his view of the new isotope drug he had become addicted to. Dr. Omni remembered having all the news reports and …

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Purple dreams can reveal a sense of royalty being present.

I had a dream the other night that I can still remember. Its main focus was shades of purple colors. There was a party, a celebration in a room. With bits of the color purple, sparkling and sizzling all around me. It was an amazing sight to see and witness. The next thing that I noticed was a ramp right there next to me. There were purple paintings that lined the floor. So many shades of purple. It looked amazing. What …

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The migration

The migration entails humanities fear of losing life.

What a wonderful night to be on Earth. The migration is soon to come. What was is now to become a new frontier for all of humanity. Sometimes I think about how much the past has left behind. All the wars and conflict proved to be detrimental to the health of the planet. What is next in the chapter for humanity? Ever since the world found out that the planet was dying, there has been the largest gathering of the nation’s …

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Bionic rat

The fate of the species in war has brought the existence of the bionic rat

“Trial test 1,2604 is ready to go sir.” Dr. Omni was ready to proceed with the 604th group test of the new hybrid bionic rat project. It has successfully executed over and over with little to no side effects. It’s a project he has been working on for the past twenty years. After all, the prestigious awards in the past have brought him to a company that works with military technology. By implanting a quantum chip into the bionic rat in …

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The quantum eye, the next step in quantum physics

Roam into the quantum realm. The quantum eye, the next step in quantum physics

Scientists at Qxdar labs have developed the newest invention on the market called the quantum eye. It’s a semi-organic device built on a Quantum scale that is placed in both eyes and at the bridge of your nose. There is no pain upon insertion, and it has a high success rate of 100%. It has already been released to the public earlier this year. This is the next step in quantum physics for the evolution of humanity. It features the latest …

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Entangled photons

Entangling photons is science

Dr. Omni has been nominated to be presented with this year’s best products innovation of the Year award. His work pertains to the quantum realms, entangled photons to be exact. So, through his research, he has made a significant contribution to science. There really isn’t much more that he can do to contribute to society. By any standard, he has done enough with his breakthrough in science. The Epiphany struck him one evening when he was watching a video on the …

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