Suspense, Thriller, and Horror

My flight

My flight to another country has proven to challenge everything within me that I know isn't safe.

Today is the day and I’m already nervous about my flight. It’s my first time to be on an airplane. And to add a touch of suspense, it’s overseas. Can it get any more intense? I mean, we could be heading into a storm. We could be crashing into the deep blue depths of the ocean for Christ’s sakes. Am I safe? So many nerve-racking thoughts of what ifs ran through my mind. Oh god, what did I get myself into? …

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The island

The scientists stranded on the island face a brute force that threatens their lives. how long would it be before help comes?

“Mayday! mayday! Is anybody there? Come in please. Is anybody there?” The panic and urgency in Omnia’s voice meant something terrible had gone wrong on the island. But what could it be? To begin with, the lives of the research team on the premises had become threatened by one of their specimens. One of the biochemists has been on staff for the past fifteen years on the island. It was part of an ongoing fifty-year project headed by the United States …

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The flank

The flank goes into a part of the world that most seek to avoid.

Although the sound of machine guns could be heard outside our infantry truck, we kept our focus. The flank maneuvers we are about to execute has a lot of us on edge. We all said our prayers as we headed into the battle where all the action is. The fate of our country has brought us to this point in time. What comes next in the flank is about to test the skills we have been training for back at camp. …

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The battle

The battle depicts a time in our nations history where war plagues our livelihood.

Never in my entire life have I had to move from my homestead. The battle was drawing near. Now, me, my wife, and five children, and two brothers needed to leave. On account of the war picking up heat for the inhabitants of Charlestown. It was the safest decision to make in order to keep my family together and out of harm’s way. There was a cultural divide amongst the people. We packed up four wagons for our journey to my …

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