
The Alphabets 🔤 of the world 🕳️🌎🕳️🤳🕳️🌍🌐🌏🕳️

There are around 7,151 languages in the world.Jan 19, 2024 And when you get into the realm of computer programming, there are more than 700 programming languages in the world. And don’t get me started on how many programs in the world. It’s mind boggling when you think about it. It’s truly neverending. Think about it when you want to delve into the intricacies of design. How did all the modern Alphabets come to be? It’s astonishing to find out the truth but I still …

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Free floating Country of the mind

The term “free floating country of the mind” is a metaphor that invites deep exploration and can be interpreted in various ways depending on the context in which it is used. Here’s an extensive look into its potential meanings and implications: Conceptual Framework Imagination and Creativity: The phrase suggests a realm of boundless creativity and imagination. In this context, it can represent the vast, uncharted territories of one’s mind where ideas and fantasies roam freely without the constraints of reality or …

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The King of Random

There are some things in this life that bring us to a state of having a sense of adventure. It’s pretty neat how we can explore the things from which we have come to arrive to a feel good attitude, a truth of accomplishment. So without due, I present to you Grant Thompson a k.a. “The King of Random.” I found Mr. Thompson on YouTube back in the mid-2010’s. I was curious about how to melt metal. I searched terms such …

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Faces of Meth Justice

This is a very serious subject when it comes to the truth that even though an outside function exists beyond the scope of internal functions that there is still hope that we can overcome and get through along the way to our end results of so many choices available in/on/for this world that we live in. Methamphetamine is a serious subject to talk about. Did you know that they put it in everyday products? I once asked a man who is …

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Leadership: Create your own 90 Day Program of Excellence

Embark on a transformative journey that guarantees empowerment, insight, and inspiration. Within the next 90 days, this self-help leadership program unfolds as a guide, arming you with the tools to cultivate personal strength, gain profound insights, and be inspired to lead with authenticity. Welcome to a path where empowerment fuels your every step, insight shapes your perspective, and inspiration propels you towards becoming the leader you aspire to be. The adventure begins now. 3 types of leader(s) The dependent leader A …

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