We literally have everything we could ever imagine at our fingertips. With so many people getting involved socially on the Internet, it’s no wonder that there is a projected shortage of web developers. There is an estimated 250,000 brand new websites created every single day. Did you know that there is about 175 Zettabytes of data that make up the Internet. The world’s population had risen to over 8,000,000,000 Billion up until 2020. But we have gotten back up, brushed ourselves off and going headstrong into the future. How prepared are you?

CiPi 💜 ZiPi

They say no news is good news and I believe that the only way that is to be is if we are in between happenings to not know, to know. I have lived a portion of my life in the news sector. Hey, I even read a book on mass communication.

I read a little about the famous penny press. People are just too busy to know things that mean the most to others. How could it be that we live in a world so full of information? I’m just glad that our vocabulary is stringent on our own understanding as individuals.

Key notes to add so I won’t get in trouble….

Key Notes:

Robyn 💕 Hearts for sho/sure,

and 🦀 (Madison A.K.A. Crawfish Girl) this one is scary->(🦐) but…

Moon69_96 is another one of my 10¹¹5,150)+ Dream team endeavor.

This above blog post is something between me and Moon 69_96.

The one aspect of having a successful business idea is that one does not wish to be alone in the/this adventure. I have come up with a list of team members that would make any educationally inclined person hit that sweet note 🎶 to the tune of “fuck yeah!”

Jesus it’s jes us JlLexas


I am the webMaster of this website. I do my best to ensure that all readers have a smooth experience. Form and function is the key 🗝️ and security 🔐U🍼👶🏻 is the number one establishment in trust 🏦. ✨⭐ 🌎🌍.◯ ☽ ◑ ● ◐ ❨ ◯🗺️. ◯ ☽ ◑ ● ◐ ❨ ◯. 🌍🌎 ⭐✨

Content Management System (CMS) TEAM

CMS Moderators are the Pinnacle of operations per Diem. We do nothing but ensure there is plenty of content supplied to the public. Cha-ching! 🐠 🎣 👽

Client side syndication is the modern day equivalent to Pathos/Ethos/Logos to tomorrow. Ethics play a huge role in Social interactions with others as they bring about the sense of authenticity. Trust me, design and layout are prerequisites towards being a brand not to be outshined in.

Teamwork makes the dream work

It’s in our defined culture 🧫 that we emanate true importance. My dream is to procure 10¹¹ intellectuals as a team who are proactively adept in making the dream work. My/Our dream to be exact.


There are many MAGA companies out there with several interface structures being implemented.

Through the years I have paid attention to the many leadership roles available in the world today. Facebook, MySpace, Amazon, and Jimmy Swaggart are a few to mention. And my favorite, Donald J Trump. He has inspired me to reach for the stars and make the best deal we can all win Win with.

The common aspect that has each of these powerhouses an effective brand is the people. In order to make these infrastructures work many people invest their time and effort into making their dreams come to fruition surrounding their choice of many to choose from.

Being dependent upon yourself is a crucial piece of self awareness. It helps us as independent individuals to have a strong interlocking conjecture amongst the crowd. But none of these aspects hold the key alone to being the best rendition of a productive person. So we come to being interdependent with the environment. We learn to adapt, but then adaptation can cause us to fall into a black hole of despair.

Quadrant II time management matrix

Staying on top of quadrant based time utilization practices pose an answer to an extent involving effective processes without the baggage of non important urgent happenings in daily business operations.

There is a way to kickstart a business into a turnkey sensation. A period of hard work and dedication will culminate an engine so ultra fast, it’s no wonder it has worked well for thousands of years.

What more may I say to bring us into a collective consortium with the key point of making our very lives the best ever. Work with me and you will see the ⭐Stars✨ begin to align to catapult us forward into the future.

Remember what scientists are saying about quantum entanglement. No matter how close or far, the connection is instant. I want that kind of connection permanently with 10 girls out of the whole over 2,000,000,000+ Billion girls on this planet Earth called third rock from the sun. I have already picked them out with the Solar System we inhabit. So free willingly and random, that I have come to find an entity that has always existed.

One Love Family

Though this isn’t an Orthodox way of being, I consider this a Nu-Unorthodox way of being one with Infinity. A neverending story so to speak. So here is my list I have picked soooo randomly, sooooo free willingly, that I’m sticking with it. A derivative brought about for all to see and know.

CashApp and the Bitcoin chain …

The dark web is a vast entity designed to get what it wants to an extent. So why bother with the details? It’s important to cover as many aspects provided to us as a whole consortium. If we don’t take life by the handlebars/reigns/steering wheels as individuals someone else will. I happen to be that individual because I know that I live in the #1 country in the entire world and the motto we live by is indivisibility. We stick together to gain momentum with what gets to us as individuals.

Teamwork makes the dream work

end transmission …

There is a 5150 chance that this will turn out to be 5,150+ girls involved… plus one, me (a boy,) making it a 5,151 team for Earth’s first starship. but then again, that’s a very very scary endeavor when it comes to the planet we’re on. Will this planet earth 🌎🌍🌍 🌎 quantum engine and more allow it? We got a whopping 2,024 years under our belt. Only time will tell. What does it all say?………..


Executing the quintessential 5150⁵¹⁵¹⁵¹⁵²⁵¹⁵³⁵¹⁵⁴⁵¹⁵⁵⁵¹⁵⁶⁵¹⁵⁷⁵¹⁵⁸⁵¹⁵⁹⁵5151 move, I, George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior Senior, successfully orchestrated a QXrazie (Crazy) consortium of girls, proving myself as a fully functioning human being and a boy.

To remain forever ♾️ and ever ♾️ for ♾️ on this planet 🌎🌍🌎 and the Zillions(z) to be instantaneously bound by the here and now beginning NOW
Be Bào Ngu