Game face

The energy was felt across the table as we locked eyes with each other. My game face was top notch. The thrill of the moment could be the best feeling I’ve ever had. I wondered, thinking what were they thinking? My opponents, that is. Did they happen to have a winner outranking my set of cards or something that could beat their hand. Their bluff proved to be convincing.

I had a decent hand, but I wasn’t even going to let my opponents know that. I have always been good at hiding my reactions. Lots of years of experience has proved to pay off when it came to playing poker. My game face has improved with each new game. A superior game face is what they called it.

Although, it’s been years since I’ve sat at the table to play a round of cards, I still remember how to play. It’s late in the evening and we’ve already played over fifteen hands. I’ve won some and I’ve lost some, but my game face proved to be cunning. I know when to hold them, know when to fold them, and know when to walk away.

I’ve had a few drinks of the finest aged bourbon money can buy. My lucky charm tucked away, ready to be pulled out in the case of my victory. A celebratory tradition I hold onto dearly. I haven’t had this much fun since our family camping trip last year. We had gone water skiing. We barbecued some delicious meat. Sang campfire songs and told stories. It was a blast. So, I guess it’s good to treat yourself to life’s luxuries from time to time. All in all, I kept my game face strong as ever.

Moreover, the heat of the moment fell upon us all at the table. Everyone’s game face was pristine. We couldn’t even tell the difference between having a good hand and having a losing hand. The peak has now arrived. Who will win and who will lose. All in all, it has turned out to be a festive night. “Who’s gonna win, who’s gonna win,” I thought to myself. I hope it’s me.

My game face proved to be the winning edge I may have in this poker game.
Know when to do

How is it that we strive to be better at some things and let the adventure we took to achieve what we won not be upheld to the upmost importance to us as individuals. If we cannot take care of ourselves, then how do we expect to take care of others? It’s the question that drives us to the operations point to be something on this [planet Earth we call third rock from the sun.

Being a good card player poses a setting of advanced notion that has always existed in function. I love playing card games and when I win, I win. But when I lose, I lose. What is it that I lose? Is it dignity? Is it status? I believe that what we lose is something that is and always will be what it is. The mysterious parts of humanity will be something we cannot understand or even comprehend. At first we may know what is going on and that is okay, but when we dig deeper at trying to understand what truly is going on on a level that has us feeling like the digitized version of the lawnmower man stuck in an access denied function, we frustrate ourselves at taking what didn’t work the whole time. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I wonder how long lemons have existed before the first human being found out that if you add sugar, it tastes sooooo gooooooood.

The basic fundamental forces that be have an affect on us. It’s no wonder that the ones and zeros of life have a crucial impact on the way we live our daily lives. The next time you begin to think about what life has to offer, take what comes to mind and work with it. I know that it takes a while to be understanding things, but hey, it took going all the way through the years of schooling to be in the next phase of learning. The good thing is that we are born on a planet that the people that are on it do their best to be included as society grows with the next wave of generational (curses) lol.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.