The fate of the species in war has brought the existence of the bionic rat
Technological advancement

Bionic rat

“Trial test 1,2604 is ready to go sir.” Dr. Omni was ready to proceed with the 604th group test of the new hybrid bionic rat project. It has successfully executed over and over with little to no side effects. It’s a project he has been working on for the past twenty years. After all, the prestigious awards in the past have brought him to a company that works with military technology.

By implanting a quantum chip into the bionic rat in the cerebral cortex, an operator can carry out functions that can be controlled. Through movements through a maze successfully without fail or any deviation from the target. At first, the task proved to be tedious. But as time passed, he and his team were able to improve functionality.

The purpose of this is that the bionic rat will be able to be used in medical, biological, military scenarios. To deliver payloads of varying degrees where human delivery is not possible. In other words, places where human entry would be impossible. “The bionic rat project has proven to be an important asset. It will save countless human lives,” said Dr. Omni.

Dr. Omni and his partners are preparing to demonstrate to the world at the science fair this weekend in hopes of landing a multi-billion-dollar contract with the country’s department of defense. “Let’s hope no animal rights activists aren’t present to protest,” said Dr. Omni. “The fate of the future of modern warfare is at stake Dr. Omni,” said his superior.

Because of the compleXity of the project, the facility Dr. Omni works in is heavily guarded. Each employee must go through a series of security checks that involve blood ADN-DNA to gain access into the facility. The bionic rat project must be kept a secret to prevent any evil entities who will use it for destruction from getting it.

Although the bionic rat project has been successful, Dr. Omni fears that there could be an issue with these animal rights activists. Only time will tell what could happen. “If they understood the positive uses of these rodents, they would be receptive. How much more proof that these bionic rats are treated with care. And they do not go through any pain.” said Dr. Omni’s superior.

All things considered, Dr. Omni has proven his loyalty to the bionic rat program. Additionally, he has earned a handsome salary. His family is well taken care of. Also, Dr. Omni is an important asset to QxDar labs. He is one happy man.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

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