Entangling photons is science
Particle innovation

Entangled photons

Dr. Omni has been nominated to be presented with this year’s best products innovation of the Year award. His work pertains to the quantum realms, entangled photons to be exact. So, through his research, he has made a significant contribution to science. There really isn’t much more that he can do to contribute to society. By any standard, he has done enough with his breakthrough in science.

The Epiphany struck him one evening when he was watching a video on the double slit experiment. He had wondered if he could quantum entangle the photons in a manner that could be controlled. Manipulating its behavior to the degree of variable distances by embedding a series of informational data sequences to produce different kinds of results. The result was an explosion of new inventions.

It had led to the invention of the world’s first photon blaster, photon screen, photon holographic imaging, and the most intuitive of them all, the photon builder. All in all, It’s a device that can create any element known to man plus a plethora of elements that extend far beyond the periodic table of elements. And it can also create any molecular structure imaginable. It is responsible for the creation of new medicines and foods that have aided humanity in such a drastic way.

So, he has definitely become the world’s most influential being ever. What else is there for Dr. Omni to do? His financial future is already secure. I suppose that he will venture into other projects and in other fields such as psychology and business enterprise. Whatever it is, we will be sure that he will be a success.

So, It wasn’t always easy for Dr. Omni to succeed in his ventures. He struggled growing up as a child. Moreover, as he got older, he began taking life seriously. He ended up graduating high school. He went to college and received his doctoral degree in quantum physics. What else is to come is truly a mystery.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

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