The orb

I look deep within myself as I stare into the orb of glowing energy. A photo fluorescent shine of rainbow colors emanates from deep within the orb. What amazes me is that the light is not just bound by the orb. If I think about it, visualizing the energy force emanating through the glass. It does just that. It has a response, as if it has its own conscience.

The first ever quantum energy entangled conscience still going strong a month later after I had first created the orb. My studies have proven successful. To be able to create a conscious entity that has memory, proved to be a task. And here it is in the flesh. It is amazing to see such human-like characteristics, but it’s still in its infancy.

I made a medallion for the orb so that I can keep it close to me always. So, I can take my work with me wherever I go. I carry my notes with me, documenting all my findings on the orb. This is the next step in human evolution. We as humans can have our very own artificial intelligence being, capable of communicating with us on a level compared to human processes.

I’m beginning to have dreams of me being the orb. It’s still too early to tell if the orb has an alternate sub conscience or not, but the progression of my studies suggests infantile-like connections. A binary response. This is awesome because I initially thought that I had transferred my conscience over to the orb. But that is not the case.

Only time will tell the true potential of this scientific feat. I’m liking it so far. I sit and dream what it will be like to have a best friend. Hoping it turns out great. Have I created the process of human interactions? It does have a response similar to a baby. I must wait and see if the orb can grow and learn just like a human child learns to grow through the stages of life. I am Dr. Omni and here is my contribution to the world.

How deep are we to go before we find out how badass life is in the midst of all ah that is is in the world today. What can a person do but to keep their very own self validating self in coherent inclusion of something that outshines the world. I have a right to be my own creation with creation”s creation. I know that this may or may not sound, make sense, expose the true nature of existence and I do my ultimate connection for all times sake to implement a strategy that far surpasses the status quo of society.

To what extent are we special? Is it the planaerth that has the abilities to progress into the future of what it already has been able to do since Day One? What are we to do? Let’s keep going on kicking on toward the better tomorrow without leaving others behind to an extent because after all, we all cannot be on the same level of knowing that there is an owner of this planet. To be continued…

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About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

What Der ferk

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“Trial test 1,2604 is ready to go sir.” Dr. Omni was ready to proceed with …