The photon depicts a short story of Dr. Omni. His research into the photons energies has brought him to where he is at today.
A giant leap for mankind

The photon

The sound of a thousand attendees filled the auditorium. It was at this year’s science fair. Dr. Omni sat amongst the world’s most talented scientists. His research in photon physics has proved to be an eye-opener. He knew that his research into the realm of photon energies would advance humanity into the future of science.

Ever since he was a child, Omni has always been fascinated with photon energy. His parents were always telling him how he would put things in the electrical socket. So curious how the energy of that socket could power up their television set. Now, when he was a child, he didn’t understand what electricity was. How it could hurt you if it was too much voltage. But he didn’t care and kept on doing it. He was naive.

It wasn’t until Omni was in Jr. High that he learned his lesson about electricity. He was waiting for the school bus one morning. While he was waiting for the bus, he noticed a long wire hanging off the telephone pole. He saw a meter box and he decided to stick the end of the wire in the meter box and began swinging. All of a sudden, “Zap!” he got hit by electricity.

He couldn’t believe how powerful the electrical current was. It felt as if his bones were being ripped apart and put back together. No matter how much strength he put into letting go, he couldn’t. It took a cry for help from God to finally let go. Only time will tell about his research into the photon.

After that, he ran to get on the bus. One of his friends asked Omni what had happened to him? He said, “why?” She said, “your face is all black.” It took him a minute to gather himself. During the subsequent days, Omni began his research into electricity. He became hooked on photon energy. He always had dreams of what the photon was all about. How little bits of information could travel through thin air.

Now that he is older and out of college, his life has brought him to where he is at today. His research has been based on his experience as a child. He has achieved a quantum entanglement of two photons that can transmit communications between each other over long distances.

Now that is some cool gadgetry to achieve. Dr. Omni hopes to push his research towards creating quantum phones. They would work purely through entangled photon frequencies to give the user uninterrupted communications between devices. And he isn’t stopping there. He plans to expand into the realm of the internet. Can you imagine the implications involved in having information right then and there, wherever you are.

As he sat there amongst the other scientists, he couldn’t help but think about his journey in the photon. A wild one at that. He is with gratitude and humbled joy for his contribution to humanity. All in all, his future is promising. Thanks to Dr. Omni and his offering to humanity. So much work is yet to be. He has certainly paved the way for electronics.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.

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