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The story of the no egg laying chicken

What makes a chicken the chicken that it is? Have you ever wondered why the hen has its unique physical appearance? How many years of evolution did it take for the chicken of modern day to develop? I’m sure that these questions have pondered many people throughout history, even Colonel Sanders. Here is a story about a chicken who has never laid an egg.

There was once a chicken that never laid an egg. It would go about every day clucking away not giving a care to the wind. One day this chicken was in a bit of a pickle. It couldn’t find any food on the ground. After a while the chicken realized, the farmer didn’t come today to feed me. How rude of the farmer to do this to me, said the chicken. What must I do?

The next day the farmer found an egg in the hens nest. “Aha,” said the farmer. “I knew my little chickadee would lay an egg. What a glorious sight to finally see progress towards production.” So the farmer went back to feeding the hen laying the egg that didn’t lay an egg.

So, as time passed on, the hen would only lay one egg. Now, the farmer became very agitated wondering why the hen would only lay one egg. So, the farmer decided one day to put up a chicken coop camera so that he could get to the bottom of why the chicken would only lay only one egg.

After the first night, the farmer was able to see from the recording what was going on. After about 20 minutes into the video he noticed a very surprising thing happening. It turns out that the chicken was taking an egg from the other hens nest and placing it in hers.

The farmer could not believe his eyes. “Why was the hen taking eggs from the other hens and placing it in her nest,” thought this farmer? So the following week the farmer decided to take the hen to the animal doctor. After some routine tests, the conclusion was that the hen was not able to lay eggs at all.

The farmer fell saddened about the results. The chicken probably feared for its life probably thinking that if it did not produce any eggs, the farmer would turn her into a meal. Well, that was the theory behind the farmer thoughts. So, after some processing, the farmer decided to keep the hen. Poor girl was just trying to stay alive, holding onto dear life towards being a productive member on the farm.

This story goes to show that no matter what is going on in our lives, we must be able to be doing what we must do to keep going in life. No matter what obstacle stands in our way, we know we must do what we have to do to get through the day. We may encounter those who do not want to say their deepest thoughts that bother them and that is okay. Not all of us are experienced towards expressing what is going on within ourselves. The only thing we can do is look towards the positive and prevail. Do your best to be the best that you can be and keep going.

About George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior (S)Eenior

Currently living in Harrison, Arkansas; George Valenzuela Valdez Valdez Junior is from Brady, Texas (his hometown that he calls his childhood playground). He also lived in Hillsboro, Texas (His adolescent years) before moving to Harrison. He has dreams and aspirations that may seem unorthodox but as time progresses, a new Orthodox function will be realized/available. Thank you for visiting Invinidi. Happy reading.