The double V vine

We all know what we are taught throughout our lives. We grow up and believe the world we live in has all the bells and whistles that propel us into the future. But as any person knows throughout their life, it can get hectic. So much so, that we begin to search for a way to comfort ourselves to the notion that we are not alone.

What does it mean to be in a state of acceptance? I have personally lived a life that has me knowing that I am a good person. I came into a stage at a critical stage in my life where I had come to the conclusion that I was well enough to delve into the deeper meaning of life and why things happen. I believed that I was humble, respectful, and acknowledging with careful insight to the things that happen in life to people.

I couldn’t bear the torment in my mind, body, and soul to such a realization of something that I thought was just a misnomer. Misnomer means, wrongly named. Wrongly misunderstood to such an extent that, in fact, I was taken into a whirlwind of many events so unfortunate, that an elusive system that has hidden itself, to an extent, was always present all around me. How could this be?

I remember taking a look at the developmental stages a single individual goes through in life. From being a child, to the teenage years, through adulthood where adolescence clings on. What does it mean to grow up?

Growing up is a scary thing to go through. We as individuals hang on to what is closest to us for the sake of validating who we are as a person. Why does fear take on so many guises? I remember fearing at certain points of my life. The things that scared me as a child. And every now and then, it still creeps up to a pivotal moment that I keep pushing through like I am supposed to because all-in-all I want to be a better person.

So I became in tune with nature. What better place than the Natural State of Arkansas. Well, it’s where I happen to be at when it comes to validating my locality of where I was/is/still is to be my place of current location.

Considering where I grew up, it is a place for last hope for humanity……. will add more to this page as time permits. come back and check for updates.